Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wisdom from Dream Coat to Prison Ware to Dream Coat

Joseph is one of 12 boys whose father is Jacob. Even though as parents we aren't supposed to have favorites, Jacob openly shows Joseph is his.
He has a multicolored coat made especially for Joseph which Joseph not only wears but makes sure his siblings know he is the favorite.
His brothers get sick of him and decide to get rid of their "favored" brother Joseph. They sell him to slave traders, take his special coat from dad, dip it in goats blood and tell their father his beloved son was killed by a wild beast.
Yikes! And you think your family is dysfunctional?
When Joseph was younger God showed him in a dream that he indeed would be a great ruler one day, however, where we will pick up his life story he was a slave for at least 13 years and in prison for at least 2.
While he's in prison, for a crime he didn't commit I might add, he meets 2 guys that work for the king. They both have a dream they don't understand and Joseph interprets the dreams for them.
Basically he tells the king's Cup Bearer he will go back to work for Pharaoh and the Baker, well his future was not as bright.
Joseph asks the Cup Bearer to remember him when he gets out and hopes he'll ask the king to release Joseph as well.
As disappointing as it must have been for Joseph it does appear it was part of God's plan for him to be in prison.

Here's what I find interesting. When Pharaoh sent for Joseph, he didn't waste any time by telling Pharaoh how he was arrested on false charges and was sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Instead he listens to Pharaoh's dream and tells him God has the answer.
“Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.’
‘I cannot do it,’ Joseph replied to Pharaoh, ‘but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.’” (Genesis 41:15–16)
Gems don't you find it amazing that in spite of the fact Joseph has had years of suffering and being in prison he still trust God!
Would I? Would you?
had plenty of men that could interpret dreams but he didn't have
anyone with the wisdom to interpret a revelation from God.
The same way Pharaoh knew Joseph was filled with the spirit of wisdom by the explanation of his dream, it should be evident to believers around us that we receive supernatural wisdom.
you may be saying “that's a pretty conceded statement” but you
would be wrong.
word of God promises us wisdom.
any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all
liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
I have been in my own spiritual prison with some circumstances with my children. I am really trying not to react in the natural but want to use wisdom.
I do that is by asking God to give me wisdom than reading the Bible
to find answers.
Sometimes we use our knowledge but that is not
always a great idea. There
is a big difference between wisdom and knowledge.
is knowing that the street is one way,
looking both
directions anyways. ~ Anonymous.
I don't always understand why certain things happen in our lives. I'm sure Joseph didn't understand why he was sold by his brothers or ended up in prison.
I do know we need wisdom to make good decisions.
Unfortunately the only way to get wisdom is to go through stuff you would rather avoid.
1:18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the
more grief.
only way I will get wisdom to pass on to someone else is to go
through the grief myself.
In my opinion the only thing that would be
worse than the grief would be to not share the wisdom with someone
whoever this current wisdom is for all I can say is UGH!!
I pray I will be out of this wisdom training prison soon and when I open my mouth I will have supernatural words to share.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Bible vs Sex In The City
turned on my TV today, I don't have cable so there's not a lot to
choose from but my intent was to watch my daily Bible teaching. As I
scanned the channels Sex in The City was on and I stayed there a few
It's one of those shows that at times actually have a good story line, you just have to get past all the premarital sex and list of
other things that offend God.
Never the less I parked there for a
minute then realized the irony of the situation chuckled and changed
the channel.
remember when I used to watch this show. My justification (I am queen
of justification) was like I said earlier, this show can have some really good story
lines. I bought into this lie until I realized if one of my kids came
into the room I immediately changed the channel.
could no longer in clear conscience watch the show but here it was
today years later appealing to my sinful nature.
in the day I was out walking. I was listening to praise music, thank
God there was no chiwawa in this story, but a lesson none the less.
was thinking the only time I'm close to having a clean heart is when
I'm worshiping because it's then I have my thoughts more on Jesus
than me.
I'm just being real here I make a lot of life about me. I don't mean
to, I didn't start thinking about myself as I was walking but when I
started thinking about worship I thought about how I looked to God
instead of thinking how God should look to me.
course the Holy Spirit didn't leave me there too long. I went from
thinking how humble I must look before God to noticing a Christmas
decoration of a Nut Cracker in someones yard.
This image sent my
thoughts to a little wooden man incense burner my aunt gave me and my ex-husband
years ago from Austria that he kept.
here I went to “I can't believe he didn't give me that back after
our divorce. I gave him all his family stuff back.” Mind you this
divorce took place 17 years ago.
final thought your really going to love.
it be wrong to go to his house and just take it back without him
knowing? It's not like he'll miss it.”
know none of you have ever had these kind of thoughts.
You're probably rethinking ever having me over for a visit or at least thinking you should hide your family heirlooms.
You're probably rethinking ever having me over for a visit or at least thinking you should hide your family heirlooms.
Holy Spirit asked me at this moment was I still in worship mode?
Gems I don't know how that happens. Obviously that junk is still in
6:45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his
heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up
in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
is exactly why when I'm given the choice of Sex In The City or
something like it, OR a show I can watch in front of a five year old,
or dare I say Jesus Himself, I go with the latter.
because I'm holier than thou but because I might be eviler than thou.
The good news is every time some of that junk comes out it makes my heart a little cleaner.
The good news is every time some of that junk comes out it makes my heart a little cleaner.
do I keep from putting more junk in? Good question!
We do that by changing the channel. Not going to the gross movies, listening to better music and for the best cure of all, meditating on Gods word.
We do that by changing the channel. Not going to the gross movies, listening to better music and for the best cure of all, meditating on Gods word.
23:3 You will keep him
in perfect peace,Whose
is stayed
he trusts in You.
there you go Gems, confession #526,987,542. Feel free to join me on my journey from
Sex In The City to Bible verses In The City.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Here Comes the Bride
Gems I had an yet another amazing experience in this journey I call
my life.
On November 9, 2012 my son Nathanael married a beautiful
daughter of the King, Alex.
wedding was small, personal and filled with love.
of the moments I want to share with you is what they called “the
first look.” The moment the groom sees his bride for the first
Nathanael and Alex had an evening wedding their pictures had to be
taken before the ceremony so Nathanael wanted a private moment when
he would see his bride and she would see her groom in their wedding
attire for the first time.
walked up to Nathanael just before the big moment. He was so
incredibly handsome in his tuxedo. There before me was my little boy
all grown up into a full grown man.
was so nervous. I just held him for a moment and reminded him of how
proud I was.
it was time, his bride was ready and standing behind him.
was breath taking in her wedding dress, it was perfect. It seemed the
person who made it some how knew she would be the one wearing it.
Her makeup was lightly applied to enhance her already beautiful
features. Her beautiful long auburn hair was a cascade of curls
flowing from her head. Her nails were painted and sparkled almost as
much as her eyes. Her veil in place and flowers in hand she was ready
to meet her groom.
all walked away so they would only see each other when Nathanael
turned to burn this vision into his heart and mind.
wept as they looked lovingly into each others eyes. It was one of the
most romantic moments I have ever been blessed to witness.
don't think two people are any more in love than at that moment. The
moment they realize they are about to marry.
was then the Holy Spirit said to me “this is how you, the bride of
Christ, look to Jesus.”
often refers to the church as His bride and Him the groom.
3:29 The bride belongs to the bridegroom.
21:9 "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb."
relates our relationship with Him as the intimate relationship
between a man and wife. but I never actually thought about the
wedding ceremony.
we are all brides of Christ. He loves us so much and just like all
brides get ready for their physical wedding we should be getting
ready for our spiritual one.
19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding
of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
sure you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is how you
make yourself ready.
day is coming when Christ will return for His Bride. At that moment
we will see each other face to face for the first time.
will be wearing white and he will be riding on a horse.
19 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse,
whose rider is called Faithful and True. The armies of heaven were
following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen,
white and clean. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name
written: king
of kings and lord of lords.
it doesn't get any more romantic than that. God loved us so much he
asked us to marry His son Jesus and all we have to do is say yes.
with that said you too can say “here comes the bride!”
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
You Can’t Put a Leash on a Butterfly
I said these very
words to my friend Sonya as I was pouring my heart out to her the other day.
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Our job is to
raise our children but as you know there are no directions that
come with your baby. Even if there were they would only work on the first child
as every one is different.
The Bible tells us
to train up our children.
6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and
instruction of the Lord.
Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
My dilemma is the "go" part.
The place I find
myself in is what do you do when you trained them and they left or are leaving? There are no directions for this part of your journey either.
Some call it the
empty nest syndrome so if you would indulge me I would like to expand on that a
bit more.
My oldest daughter
Amanda has been a challenge from the day she was born. She has always known
what she liked and what she didn’t like. She wanted to be comforted when she
was out of sorts but not necessarily held….
I had to figure
out what that meant. As a baby when Amanda was “cranky” I would put her in her
carriage and park her in front of the stereo speaker with classical music
playing.This only worked for her not the other three.
We have to figure
out how to love and walk with each of our children and as you know this alone
is a full time job.
Jessica was the
fourth child and she was less challenging but still had her own assembly
instructions that needed to be figured out.
You spend 16 full
time years pouring into your children then at 17 something happens.
They no longer
need you. They have established friends, hobbies and jobs. They are driving and
hopefully finding their way with God and you are not “needed.”
This is a very
natural progression and if you have some what succeeded the next leg of the
But why is success
so painful?
I was sharing all
this with Sonya who gave me comforting advice that I will now share with you Gems.
She said that my children are able to move forward in their lives and ministries because of the
years I have poured into them. The encouragement I gave them to sore and the
permission I gave them to be their own person. That the Lord was
able to move through me into them.
Because I love
butterflies I of course got this mental picture of them coming out of their
cocoons and emerging into the beautiful butterflies they are.
We know you can’t help a butterfly emerge from their cocoon because they need
to force the fluid into their wings to stretch and open them so they can fly.
We are so used to
helping and it’s an unfamiliar place to wait and let the process unfold on its
own. We need to leave our children with their Creator and know they were always
He chose us to raise them and teach them but they were never ours. We were and are a temporary cocoon.
We can watch them
fly and be there for them should they ask us but we can’t put a leash on them
any more then we could a real butterfly.
A butterfly is not created to be taken on a walk it's created to fly to the places God alone has already determined.
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
I will have to join other spectator parents and put away my leash and emerge from yet another cocoon of my own life.
So to my butterflies I wish you well as you go from walking to taking your own personal flights I will love and pray for your solo flights cause you just can't put a leash on a butterfly!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Invisable Power
I know today is a big day as we anticipate the results of the presidential election. I know many of you if not all are done with all the ads, phone calls and discussions that have inundated our lives.
In one way it may have gotten on your last nerve but in another way it was great to see people be so passionate about America and actually be a part of the election.

Gems the thing I want to talk about in this jewel is your passion. I hope you will openly have the same passion for your Savior that you had for your candidate.
You see God is in control no matter what the outcome of this election and although we should do our part the end result will be His decision.
I heard a message Sunday that really hit the core of this jewel. It takes place at Jesus trial before His crucifixion.
Mark 14:57-58 Then some rose up and bore flase witness against Him saying, "We heard Him say, "I will destroy this temple made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands.
Our next president will affect the things that are built with human hands which no doubt affect our human lives.
We as Christians need to be more concerned with the things that are built without human hands.
Let me give you an example. If President Obama is re- elected it will not mean the lost I’m praying for will be saved.
If Governor Romney is elected it will not help men and women find healing from past experiences.
Neither one of these men will be able to lead brothers and sisters to repentance of sin or a relationship with Jesus Christ. They won’t be able to break down the walls of unforgivness or comfort the heart of a person who has lost a loved one.
The things that are built without hands are the things that only the Holy Spirit can do. Only the power of Jesus Christ shed blood can cover our sins. Understanding there is only ONE mighty, Holy God that created this unseen kingdom. These are the amazing things that are built without human hands.
Gems as Christians we are held accountable for our sprit walk. We will be judged by our love walk when we stand before the Lord not our political affiliation. We will be asked how we used our talents to build the kingdom of God not the agenda of man.
Again I’m not saying we shouldn’t be involved in political things, we are called to be involved.
Romans 13:1-2 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.I just want to remind you that when the results are in we will still be serving the same God no matter who the president is.
He will still be counting on us to be the tools used by the Holy Spirit to do spiritual things like bringing unity to the body of Christ.
“he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” Ephesians 1:9-10
Gems here is our bottom line.
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on HIS shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
He is our invisible power! May His force be with you.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Get A Glimpse
So I got yet another glimpse into myself a few weeks ago....
I was at a conference with a friend, I won’t tell you which one to protect the innocent :)
There were a lot of amazing Godly speakers and praise music so you would have thought I would have been Christ like for the entire event. Not the case.
There was a photographer there as you would expect during a conference. The photographer was doing her job taking pictures.
I don’t know if you have ever paid attention to that but if you have attention deficit like me you can’t help but notice what others don’t. As she took pictures, many one after the other, you could here the camera click as she was snapping the photos.
After a while it got on my nerves and I said to the woman sitting next to me (you think I would have learned by now to keep my comments to myself but NOOOOO) “that photographer is so distracting.”
The woman gave a polite smile and went back to listening to the speaker.
There was a break between speakers and I went to get a drink. When I came back the event had started and I was in the back of the room.
At this time the main speaker gets up to share and as she walks across the stage I notice the friend who invited me waving her hand at me to come up to the front where she was sitting.
I thought to myself how sweet she saved me a front row seat and doesn’t want me to miss the amazing testimony that was getting ready to be shared.
I made my way through the sea of people and sat next to my friend. This is where what I call the Holy Spirit hokey pokey comes in.
My friend leans into me and says “the photographer had to leave and the Lord told me to have YOU take the pictures.”
She then mentioned this was the main speaker "so make sure you get some great shots.”
WHAT!!!!! I could here the Holy Spirit say “let’s see what you got.”
Gems I truly cannot make this stuff up.
First of all it was one of those cameras that you had to self focus, you know the ones with the long lens.
That would have been hard enough but it was also digital so I had to look and see if the pics were clear which would have been kinda OK if I had glasses on and could actually see them.
I was freaking out! I immediacy repented for my former thoughts and asked God to save me. He was kidding right? No.
I now understood why the real photographer was taking so many pictures. The subject was not standing still and of course was talking the whole time so you had to shoot a lot to hopefully get one good picture.
I had become the distracting clicking away camera woman.
This of course got me thinking about how quick we are to judge others when we have no idea what their going through.
Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
It’s so easy to run your mouth about someone else until you’re running in their shoes. I know this isn’t a new teaching, more of a reminder for me that I thought I would share with you.
We have to be careful about even our thoughts. True, I didn’t really say anything mean about this photographer but somewhere in my mind I obviously thought I could do a better job.
Did I mention the first picture I took the lens fell off the camera and hit the floor?
It was a humbling moment and Gems, I’m happy for them.
They keep me real and hopefully from becoming self righteous.
I’m so thankful that when my Father asks me to get a glimpse of what’s inside my head He does it to correct my thinking. He does it so I don’t lose my love walk for my brothers and sisters or more importantly His sons and daughters.
Thank you Jesus for giving me a glimpse into my head and heart and for loving me anyway. Thank you God that you don’t keep the bad pics of me on record because all you see is Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit for that the first glimpse doesn't have to be the last one.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Butterfly Ballet
is my birthday!!!! I have had the most wonderful day already but what
I want to share with you is my morning.
will have to go back in time for a moment for you to understand how
special the following event was.
long time ago I was telling Jesus that one of the things I miss about
not being a part of a couple is the little intimate moments.
example when two people in love look across a room and make eye
contact and smile. When they laugh at the same thing cause it's an
inside joke or brought a shared memory. The little touches as you
pass by one another or that look that seems to see your very soul and says how much you
love each other without using words.
now I'm a hopeless romantic.
I was sharing these things with my sweet Jesus and He reminded me how
much I love butterflies. He told me that He would show me butterflies
in random places and different ways and each time He did, He would be
saying He loves me.
that romantic or what?
the years the Lord has done just that. Whether it be a picture of a
butterfly, a T-shirt, or the real thing , Jesus has been consistent.
One time while visiting Tennessee, my favorite place, I was looking for a hotel for the kids and I to stay at. I decided to pull into one of the many I had passed and hoped it was the right one. As we walked up to the front entrance there was a wooden bench outside the door. Guess what it looked like? You got it, a butterfly bench.
time I was walking through the woods and butterflies were floating
around me and I put out my hand and one landed right on my finger. I
just looked up toward the Heavens and said “I love you too Jesus.”
Lord has used butterflies to help me know I'm making the right
decisions like when I was moving to Tampa and the Lord told me we
would live in the Ruhe house.
When I walked in their kitchen they had
this huge butterfly artwork on top of the cabinets and as soon as I
saw it I felt peace.
so you get the picture, back to my morning.
woke up and made some coffee and decided to drink it on the porch.
While I was standing there looking at my beautiful view the Lord has
blessed me with something caught my eye.
in the tall grass I noticed a bunch of butterflies dancing all around
as if to say Happy Birthday. I of course said “show off” to my
sweet Jesus and thanked Him.
would have been enough to make my morning, watching them dance about
as a group but suddenly something unexpected happened.
at a time a single butterfly would come to the area of grass that was
cut and fly up and down and all around in front of me as if it were
performing a solo in this butterfly ballet I was witnessing.
soon as one went back to the group another would come out. Each one a
different color and size. I stood there enamored by this unexpected
surprise unfolding in front of me.
final butterfly was a baby one. It was so small you had to really
focus to see it. It flew out and did it's performance before me and
the King then unlike the others it landed on the ground as if to take
the final bow.
it was incredible! I know I must have had the biggest smile on my
thanked my sweet Jesus for such an amazing birthday present,
for a
sweet intimate moment between us that I will forever cherish.
When I went back inside Jessica came home with a
dozen long stem roses. I have never received long stem roses before!
I was so surprised! As I was still taking in the moment I heard the Lord whisper to me
“every great performance ends with the Prima Ballerina getting
you may be saying, man this girl has one vivid imagination. And ya
know what I would say "yes I do."
I have an amazing, vivid, animated,
brilliant, colorful, dramatic, dynamic, expressive graphic, spirited
imagination and guess who gave it to me?
sweet Jesus so I wouldn't miss one of His blessings, especially
Butterfly Ballets!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I'm Not Sorry I kicked a Chihuahua
read that right I totally kicked a Chihuahua today. I was out doing my
morning walk minding my own business and enjoying the scenery. I had
my head phones on singing to my praise music and feeling pretty good
about the morning.
all of a sudden out of no where this Chihuahua comes at me! Full speed
barking, growling, snarling like a rabid animal. It all happened so
fast I had no time to think, before I know it this wild beast lunges
toward my ankle.
am literally screaming as if being attacked by a wolf. I start
kicking at it, BAM one good hit but it's not enough to maim it.
Another lunge, OH NO it's got my sweat pants, I can only
imagine my ankle is next.
screaming, heart pumping, (more than if I had actually been running)
I'm in a panic!
got me again, I kick it repeatedly but it doesn't let go. My lighting
quick reflexes engage and I take my other foot and hold it down my
it's neck. It's squirming beneath my foot and I'm still screaming not
sure what to do next.
look up and to my surprise, there's a man running toward me. He may or may not have
been in his boxers but he definitely has no shirt on. He's yelling “NO! NO!”
in what appears to be an Italian accent.
he part of this crime scene? I don't know. He finally reaches me
bends down and picks up the squirming animal who continues to foam at
the mouth. My heart still pounding I'm not sure of my next move.
shirtless Italian man finally has the dog in his hands and I begin to
yell at him in my prayer language, I figure praying the perfect will
of God is a good idea instead of using the English words that were on
my mind... OK I exaggerated here I didn't really do that.
has the dog and as my adrenaline is still pumping he lifts up the
gums of the snarling beast and with his Italian accent yells “he
has a no teeth, he has a no teeth.”
was stunned.... I suddenly get a mental picture of myself screaming
in fear with this 2 pound dog on my leg and it's all I can do not to
burst out laughing.
poor man nearly had a heart attack running to save his crazy
toothless Chihuahua. I can't make this stuff up Gems.
pretty sure no one has ever been gummed to death by a small dog, by
any dog for that matter.
think I heard the Holy Spirit chuckle for the first time. In that
very moment I heard Him say “isn't it just like the devil to fill
you with fear and he's got no teeth.”
course this got me thinking as I continued my walk home. How many
things does the enemy use to fill us with fear? How many times have
we exaggerated situations in our minds before they ever happen? How
many times have we become paralyzed in fear when we can keep the
enemy under our foot?
Bible tells us in
6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of
evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have
done everything, to stand.
take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the evil one.
are the flaming arrows? They are whatever causes you to fear. They
are the things that keep you up at night. The worries that cause you
anxiety and depression. They are Chihuahua's that have no teeth because
God is in control even when the enemy attacks.
I hope this silly story will encourage you in your daily walk to
remember God is bigger than the enemies flaming arrows. Don't lose
your peace, but if you do, feel free to kick the “Chihuahua.” With
a spiritual foot of course :)
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