So I got yet another glimpse into myself a few weeks ago....
I was at a conference with a friend, I won’t tell you which one to protect the innocent :)
There were a lot of amazing Godly speakers and praise music so you would have thought I would have been Christ like for the entire event. Not the case.
There was a photographer there as you would expect during a conference. The photographer was doing her job taking pictures.
I don’t know if you have ever paid attention to that but if you have attention deficit like me you can’t help but notice what others don’t. As she took pictures, many one after the other, you could here the camera click as she was snapping the photos.
After a while it got on my nerves and I said to the woman sitting next to me (you think I would have learned by now to keep my comments to myself but NOOOOO) “that photographer is so distracting.”
The woman gave a polite smile and went back to listening to the speaker.
There was a break between speakers and I went to get a drink. When I came back the event had started and I was in the back of the room.
At this time the main speaker gets up to share and as she walks across the stage I notice the friend who invited me waving her hand at me to come up to the front where she was sitting.
I thought to myself how sweet she saved me a front row seat and doesn’t want me to miss the amazing testimony that was getting ready to be shared.
I made my way through the sea of people and sat next to my friend. This is where what I call the Holy Spirit hokey pokey comes in.
My friend leans into me and says “the photographer had to leave and the Lord told me to have YOU take the pictures.”
She then mentioned this was the main speaker "so make sure you get some great shots.”
WHAT!!!!! I could here the Holy Spirit say “let’s see what you got.”
Gems I truly cannot make this stuff up.
First of all it was one of those cameras that you had to self focus, you know the ones with the long lens.
That would have been hard enough but it was also digital so I had to look and see if the pics were clear which would have been kinda OK if I had glasses on and could actually see them.
I was freaking out! I immediacy repented for my former thoughts and asked God to save me. He was kidding right? No.
I now understood why the real photographer was taking so many pictures. The subject was not standing still and of course was talking the whole time so you had to shoot a lot to hopefully get one good picture.
I had become the distracting clicking away camera woman.
This of course got me thinking about how quick we are to judge others when we have no idea what their going through.
Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
It’s so easy to run your mouth about someone else until you’re running in their shoes. I know this isn’t a new teaching, more of a reminder for me that I thought I would share with you.
We have to be careful about even our thoughts. True, I didn’t really say anything mean about this photographer but somewhere in my mind I obviously thought I could do a better job.
Did I mention the first picture I took the lens fell off the camera and hit the floor?
It was a humbling moment and Gems, I’m happy for them.
They keep me real and hopefully from becoming self righteous.
I’m so thankful that when my Father asks me to get a glimpse of what’s inside my head He does it to correct my thinking. He does it so I don’t lose my love walk for my brothers and sisters or more importantly His sons and daughters.
Thank you Jesus for giving me a glimpse into my head and heart and for loving me anyway. Thank you God that you don’t keep the bad pics of me on record because all you see is Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit for that the first glimpse doesn't have to be the last one.