If your a regular Gena's Jewels reader
you know my family and I have been in a year long battle to get my
mom out of a nursing home in Upstate NY and moved to Long Island, NY.
It has been a battle that ONLY Jesus
could win.
I had money saved for my flight to NY
and was just waiting on the call to move. A call I had been crying
out to God on a daily basis to get. Finally it happened. Jesus, being the maker of a way
where there seems to be no way sent His marching orders and within a
couple of days I was on a plane to Long Island.
As I sat in my seat on the plane I started thinking about the days ahead and all that was involved with the trip. There were so many areas where things could go wrong so I started to pray. When I finished I looked out the window and this was what God showed me.
You can't totally see from the picture but this one ray of bright light came from the cloud all the way down to the ground. The Holy Spirit told me He would be my fire by night and cloud by day, just follow Him. It was spectacular.
I arrived in New York, met my sister and we headed out on the Long Island Expressway to rescue Rose Mary!
Just to remind you, my mother has alzheimers so taking her on a long car ride had many challenges, the first hurdle was getting her into the car. My mother doesn't bend, she is totally stiff unless she is walking on her own and then for some reason her legs bend.
As I sat in my seat on the plane I started thinking about the days ahead and all that was involved with the trip. There were so many areas where things could go wrong so I started to pray. When I finished I looked out the window and this was what God showed me.
You can't totally see from the picture but this one ray of bright light came from the cloud all the way down to the ground. The Holy Spirit told me He would be my fire by night and cloud by day, just follow Him. It was spectacular.
I arrived in New York, met my sister and we headed out on the Long Island Expressway to rescue Rose Mary!
Just to remind you, my mother has alzheimers so taking her on a long car ride had many challenges, the first hurdle was getting her into the car. My mother doesn't bend, she is totally stiff unless she is walking on her own and then for some reason her legs bend.
I don't know if you have ever tried to
put someone in a car that doesn't bend but it's not that easy.
The master plan I had in my head went
something like this.
I would have my sister get in the back
of the car on one side and I would fold my mother in half then push
her into the car where my sister would put her arms around her waist
and pull her in.
In my mind it worked, in reality it was
not that easy. My sister and I were laughing so hard as I realized my
mother had absolutely no Gumby qualities.
We did finally get her in the car and began our 5 hour journey home. It was an interesting ride and one of
the highlights was laughing with my sister who had become my accomplice to the nursing home heist.
I teased her that I could see the news headlines "local woman folded in half by offspring, film at eleven"
I teased her that I could see the news headlines "local woman folded in half by offspring, film at eleven"
The Lord truly was a light unto our path and we made it safely to my mom's new home. Now I don't know if you have ever been in a nursing home but they are a little freaky. If you know me you know I use humor to cope and there was plenty of material in my mother's new home. First there was the bib that came with her meals, I thought it only fair that we both wear one.
We also met some of her new fun friends. One lady, which I loving named Miss Echo. She was holding a doll and came into my mother's room. I asked her what her dolls name was and she replied "BABY, baby, baby, baby" I said "oh your a lady and an echo all in one." I then asked where she was going and she said "to find daddy, daddy, daddy." Of course every time my sister asked me a question that day like are" you hungry?" I would reply "YES, yes yes yes.:" This went on most of the day until she gave me "the look."
My sister is so good with my mom. She would talk to her for hours and had the most gentle way of feeding her. My abilities were not as smooth and we quickly realized why they gave us the mega bibs.
Gems I don't know what kind of relationship you had with your parents. but whether they were good to you or not, we MUST take care of them when they can't take care of themselves. It was a long emotional journey for all of our family and the new place may not be perfect but she will be surrounded by her family as much as possible and no matter where she is physically I know our sweet Jesus has promised to never leave her.
We also met some of her new fun friends. One lady, which I loving named Miss Echo. She was holding a doll and came into my mother's room. I asked her what her dolls name was and she replied "BABY, baby, baby, baby" I said "oh your a lady and an echo all in one." I then asked where she was going and she said "to find daddy, daddy, daddy." Of course every time my sister asked me a question that day like are" you hungry?" I would reply "YES, yes yes yes.:" This went on most of the day until she gave me "the look."
My sister is so good with my mom. She would talk to her for hours and had the most gentle way of feeding her. My abilities were not as smooth and we quickly realized why they gave us the mega bibs.
Gems I don't know what kind of relationship you had with your parents. but whether they were good to you or not, we MUST take care of them when they can't take care of themselves. It was a long emotional journey for all of our family and the new place may not be perfect but she will be surrounded by her family as much as possible and no matter where she is physically I know our sweet Jesus has promised to never leave her.
On my last day with my mother I prayed Psalms over her and reminded her of the love of God.

Gems we all need rescuing of some sort at some times in our lives. I pray you have friends or family that will be there for you in your time of need. If you don't, remember you can always call on the name of Jesus. He will never leave or forsake you either and He can rescue you from whatever you need to be rescued from.
Thank you Jesus for using us to Rescue Rose Mary!