Sunday, November 10, 2024

Clock Is Ticking

Before we are even born God knows the plans He has for us, the assignments we would accomplish, the people we would meet on our journeys, the successes we would accomplish and the disappointing challenges we would endure.

Jeremy 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

The plans are assignments and once we give our life to the Lord we are given an assignment clock and that clock begins ticking right away. The problem is not time, it’s not trusting God’s timing or not using time effectively. 

Psalm 39:4 “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered – how fleeting my life is.

We need to protect our time because time equals life, waste time, waste life.

The thing is time is fair currency, we all get the same amount of it. Heaven is trying to get us to use our time for the glory of God while hell is trying to waste your time for the glory of you.

 I heard a preacher teach on this and found it so powerful, he let us know we all have 86,400 seconds every day and it’s not transferable. If you take out 8 hours for sleep, you are left with 57,600 seconds a day. Every minute of distractions is a minute off your life.

That same pastor gave a great visual using an elevator as an example of how we may waste that time. We begin on the first floor and God’s goal for us it to reach the 10th floor. You start off with you and your parents and then as you grow you stop off at the 3rd floor. This gets the enemy nervous, so he has some “distractions” join you in the elevator.

Distraction begins, paying attention to these people or things when there are appointed people you are supposed to meet on the 7th floor, however,  you’re at a “weight” capacity. You think you’re waiting on the Lord when He’s in fact waiting on you.

We hear many sermons to pray for open doors for us, perhaps when the Lord opens a door it isn’t so much for you to enter but to have people who are blocking you to get off. God is trying to make room for your assignment, and we are pressing the “hold open” button on our elevator begging people to stay. We begin to feel lost because that’s how we look in the spirt, not because God doesn’t love us but because we won’t let the distractions off and let the door close.

There are other people God puts on your elevator for most of your ride. They are put there to help you go up but it wasn’t until the others left that they can even fit. These are people filled with the Holy Spirit, but you couldn’t see things spiritually because you were allowing people or things to keep you on a floor that is beneath your potential.

If our time runs out at this point and we leave this earth, God may welcome us home, but we realize we never got to the 10th floor. God will remind us that He tried to get our attention on the 2nd and 5th floor but it took decades for Him to convince us we could do it. He told us in His word that nothing is impossible for Him. The assignment was always ours, remember He gave it to us before we were even born, but we allowed the enemy to convince us we weren’t qualified. We forgot that we were made in God’s image.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

In order to complete our destined assignments, we must surrender to God our time, desires, rights, cravings, everything. If we do not surrender our elevator doesn’t go up.

Maybe the authentic you is so pressed down and your struggling and we call it depression or anxiety. Perhaps those feelings are the real you trying to get out?

Ask yourself, “who told you that?”

Who told you God can’t use you? Who told you that you were useless?

Remember the enemy is trying to keep you from what God said you would be. The trouble is the enemy believes in us more than we believe in ourselves!

God said, you are the righteousness of God, that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Pay attention to what floor you’re on and who’s there with you. Stay focused on what voice you’re listening to. One voice is making sure you waste your precious time while the other is trying to use your time for Kingdom building! The clock is ticking…………………

**Example of distractions: people, cleaning, working, eating, watching TV, shopping etc.**