Friday, May 15, 2009

Sticks & Stones

Sticks and Stones
Remember that old saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. The person who came up with that saying must not have had any bad words spoken to him. Words do harm us; the key is not to let them continue to wound us. About a week ago I got a response to a Gena’s Jewel from a man via MySpace and he must have called me an idiot at least THREE times. He let me know about all my grammar errors and spelling errors. The guy was really angry with me and did I mention he called me an IDIOT! I was taken by surprise at first because this was the first bad publicity that I had read. Not the first written perhaps but the first one I read. I was wounded at first, and then ticked off because I didn’t even know this guy or how he got the jewel. Then I noticed that he responded to two jewels not just one. If he thought I was an idiot when he read the first Jewel why did he read a second one? Apparently something in my words hit a nerve. God was obviously doing something in this man’s life. This changed my whole out look about his message. I asked God to forgive me for getting an attitude and prayed for my non-fan. I looked up some scriptures about the power of our words, for me not him, before I responded. Proverbs 16:23 I think before I speak because the mind of the wise instructs his mouth. Psalm 141:3 Help me Lord to keep my mouth shut and my lips sealed. Psalm 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.
I’ll be honest the old Gena would have responded first and repented later. The truth is we usually get annoyed with someone when they say something to us that we know we need to work on. I was in a bad mood the other night and barking at my family for no good reason and my youngest daughter said “mom, I’m going to say something to you that you have said to me. Since everyone is getting on your nerves maybe you’re the problem”. The nerve of this kid what an idiot! Just kidding. I actually laughed when she said it because I knew she was right.
This is just a reminder to you and me that before we respond to someone we need to pray and ask God how He would have us respond. We have no idea what another person is going through and even if they offend us I hope that our words are part of the healing and not part of the wounding.
I was not able to reply to this man because as you know me and computers don’t get along and I deleted his comment. Maybe that was a God thing. So if your reading this I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll pray for whatever it is that wounded you if you will pray for my writing skills Let’s all remember Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. I have also decided to re-write that silly saying.
Sticks and stones may break my bones
And words can truly harm me
So I’ll be nice and you be too
Cause Jesus loves both me and you

Gena’s Jewels

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