Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shut Up Before You Speak

I want to share a valuable lesson with you the Lord taught me about keeping quiet. I'm sure you can already tell it had to be God as I love to blab.
I was going through what I call my “faith building time” and I made the mistake of “sharing” what was going on with those around me. I didn't realize at the time that was not a good idea as I was still deciphering what God was saying. A couple of problems can arise when we share too soon. Sometimes we get things wrong because we are thinking and hearing in the natural and not the spiritual another is it might not be the right timing. God can be giving you a word for what is to come and not necessarily right now. This can cause confusion and do more harm than good to the people your sharing with. The thing to remember is this growing time is meant for you and the Lord alone, unless he tells you otherwise, making it part of your personal relationship and journey.
For example, I knew the Lord was preparing me to move and he brought up Johnson City TN on many occasions. As soon as He mentioned moving I got boxes, started packing and put my house up for sale. I also shared my moving news with anyone that would listen. Big mistake because guess what I still have not moved to Johnson City TN. And that word was given years ago. However, I did go to Johnson City Tn a few times and God did great things on each trip. I'll save those stories for another jewel.
I did eventually move but not when or where I thought I heard.
Because I was in the testimony building part the people around me thought I was nuts and I'm sure they felt it was confirmed when I didn't move to Johnson City. I knew I heard from the Lord I even had people speak into my life confirming what the Lord said. Two women I trust and admire even gave me confirmation about Johnson City TN. I went back to the Lord later and asked Him why He felt it necessary to make me look like a lunatic. I told Him I knew he said Johnson City and He said “I said you would go there and you did 3 times. I said you would go to TN and you did 5 times.” I heard part of what God said right and I should have waited to share the rest.
I remember feeling really frustrated because people were not reacting the way I thought they should or with the encouragement I needed (again not their fault.) It was making me second guess myself and to be honest my sanity. I prayed to God to send me someone to talk to that would understand, someone who had a testimony to what I was going through. God as always answered my prayer and sent an awesome man of God named Ron Allen. I knew he loved the Lord and the fruit of his ministry was proof he heard from God. He came to the church I was attending at the time for a conference and agreed to meet with me. I told him what was happening and he shared with me (gena translation) the keep your mouth shut rule. Of course he didn't use those words, he's way too kind but that was the gist of it. He told me things that happened in his walk and how he later realized he was not supposed to share all God was showing him at that time. It really encouraged me and helped me get a positive perspective on things and confirmed, at this time I was not crazy. If I haven't already told you, thank you Pastor Allen :)
There are many stories in the New Testament of Jesus telling people not to share what He was doing in their life.
Mark 9: the disciples are with Jesus and they see him in a cloud with Elijah and Moses the next thing you know Jesus is there alone and it freaks them out. The Lord tells them not to tell anyone what they have seen. In V43 it says “he gave them strict orders not to let anyone know about this.”
Matthew 9: two blind men are healed by Jesus and He tells them not to tell anyone about it.
Luke 5: Jesus healed the leper v14 then Jesus ordered don't tell anyone.
Why did Jesus tell them not to tell anyone what was happening in their life? Why bother doing a miracle if your not going to show off? Two reasons I think. One it was to build that persons faith so they would have a strong testimony and two it wasn't the right time for what would bring God the most glory. I think it's the same reason today. God wants you to speak when it will bring Him the most glory.
You may be in a place in your journey that God is showing you amazing things and speaking promises to you about your future and it may be confusing because circumstances at the moment are not lining up with His word. You may be sharing everything you receive with others and because it has not come to fruition the naysayers are starting to get into your heard. I want to encourage you with another story in the Bible.
Mark 5: There is story about a synagogue ruler named Jairus (He even mentions his name) he fell at Jesus feet and told him his daughter was dying and he asks Jesus to come to his house and heal her. Jesus agrees and goes with Jairus. You have to understand there was a large crowd following Jesus and he was healing other people along the way so he didn't go directly to Jairus home. I don't know how long a time it was from the time he asked til the time He got there but it was God's timing. You too may be asking God for something and He agreed , you still have to wait for Him to get there.
Before Jesus got to his house some men from his hometown came and found Jairus to tell him “your daughter is dead don't bother the teacher any more.”
I love this next part v36 “Ignoring what they said Jesus told the synagogue ruler (Jairus) “Don't be afraid just believe.”
Jesus did go to his house and he did heal his daughter.
Sometimes you just have to ignore people and what they are saying and just believe what God told you. It helps if you don't give them anything to say, hence the shut up part.
The thing is, until we walk out what we are going through we are in the testimony building phase. When we are on the other side of the story we give hope to those who will walk a similar journey, like Ron Allen did in my life.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have anyone to talk to the word says we should seek wise counsel but ask the Lord who that person is.
Notice in Matthew 17:5
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"
Just because the disciples were told not to tell anyone didn't mean God wasn't speaking and most of all He was well pleased with his son. He is telling you today just like He told the disciples long ago “listen to Him!”

My prayer for you today:
My child (your name here) I am speaking to you and I do have a plan and a purpose for you. I am pleased with your obedience and I do make plans that you will succeed in. I pray you understand there are times I say don't tell anyone what you have seen or heard for your benefit and my glory. Don't be afraid, just believe and listen to what my son tells you.

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