Well it’s
that time of year again when people say things like Jesus is the reason for the
season and they shop and bake and are usually nicer than other times during the
year. It can be the happiest and saddest time of the year.
A few years
ago the Holy Spirit gave me a challenge. He said if I really wanted to celebrate Chirst
birth to do it without partaking in all the worldly stuff like wreaths, trees
and gifts.
I agreed and as you can imagine took major crap from people about my personal challenge, but that’s another jewel.
It was hard at first as I was a major decorator during the Christmas season and I loved doing it. I have lots of ornaments the kids have made over the years that I treasure. I loved the tradition of placing them on the tree and savored every memory that came with it.
I agreed and as you can imagine took major crap from people about my personal challenge, but that’s another jewel.
It was hard at first as I was a major decorator during the Christmas season and I loved doing it. I have lots of ornaments the kids have made over the years that I treasure. I loved the tradition of placing them on the tree and savored every memory that came with it.
As you know I’m not
big on cooking but we always made a birthday cake for Jesus and sang to Him
Christmas morning.
In spite of all the good feelings for me I would
take this personal challenge.
Gems it was a very eye opening season for me on
so many levels and 7 years later I continue to celebrate without all the
This is not an “atta girl Gena” jewel or a "you should do this too jewel,"
it’s just me sharing with you my little world.
I sat on my couch one day clicking through the
channels on TV and was overwhelmed by the amount of commercials trying to get
us to buy their perfect holiday gift. I remarked to the Lord how crazy it
all was.
I wondered, what kind of gift can you actually give Jesus if that’s who
you’re really celebrating? Without
skipping a beat the Holy Spirit answered me.
Its funny because it was more of a thought than
a question. Not something I was waiting on an answer for. How many questions do we ask intentionally that
seem to take forever to get an answer to?
Yet the Holy
Spirit challenged me once again. He said there is a gift you can give Jesus
that He always really wants yet seldom receives. He would love the soul of the
lost. He said it’s the only gift He came to give and the only gift we can help
give back.
The Holy
Spirit challenged me to look back over all the years of tree trimming and
birthday cakes and see how many people I actually shared the good news of Jesus with.
I am ashamed
to tell you that the number was very small. I didn't wake up each morning
thinking who can I share Jesus with, I woke up thinking who else do I need to
have a gift for. And then there were the spare gifts I kept just in case I
forgot someone. When all the while I had the most precious gift, the gift of
Maybe the best gift I could have given any one was the opportunity to go with me to the mall or anywhere people were and ask someone, anyone, do you know Jesus. Helping someone including myself to obey God’s COMMAND!
Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Gems this is
a command not a suggestion. The Holy Spirit said to me “Gena if you really want
to do something for the so called Jesus Season how about doing what He
commanded.” He said there is nothing more special than sharing Christ with someone and seeing them give their heart to Christ for Christmas.
It doesn't
say expect them to come to church because besides Easter it’s the next best
day. Jesus said for us to go and find them. OUCH…
I’m not slamming inviting people to
church. After we share the gospel sure, invite them to church but we have to
stop waiting for the lost to show up where we are.
I was really
convicted and felt it my Christian duty to convict you too J All in love brothers and sisters.
I challenged myself that the next day I would talk to at least one person and ask if they knew Jesus.
I challenged myself that the next day I would talk to at least one person and ask if they knew Jesus.

He said church
can be like that. We come week after week, hearing a great message, getting
filled up but never doing anything with what we learned. Then we show up again
the next week ready for more plays we won’t use. Frances said
it way better but you catch my drift.
Gems we were, are and will continue to be the tool God chose to use to share the gospel.
And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven Luke 1:76-78
Gems we were, are and will continue to be the tool God chose to use to share the gospel.
And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven Luke 1:76-78
Gems I’m not
telling you how to celebrate the birth of Christ or change your Christmas traditions
but we have to ask ourselves, why are we so committed to our traditions yet
willing to sit on the bench to His commands?
So my gift to you is the same challenge, make sharing the greatest gift of all with someone this week because
So my gift to you is the same challenge, make sharing the greatest gift of all with someone this week because

My dear friend Evelyn wrote this poem and I wanted to share it with you.
Reminder: Jesus Is the Reason for the Season!
Twas the night before SK Christmas, when all through CFM,
All the volunteers were ready to give their embrace.
The bags of hope were placed on the tables with care,
In hopes that are guests will soon all be there.
The children came running in hope of some toys,
As Paula and Lisa laid out clothing overjoyed.
While Lyn and Mark prepared for the night,
Our volunteers and leaders were full of delight.
When out on the darkness there arose such a clatter,
We all turned our heads to see what was the matter.
Away to the sidewalk we flew in a flash,
As David and Kevin arrived with the stash.
The prayer team prepared by the glittering lights,
As Maureen and Wendy registered on site.
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
Bill Collier and Deacon Mark spreading some cheer.
With a microphone ready, so lively and skilled,
We knew in a moment it must be our Bill.
More rapid than eagles our guests came,
As he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Now Brian! now, Nancy! now, Larry and Lee!
On, Susie! On, Les! on, Tony and James!
To your feet all at once! Together they shouted!
Together in Jesus let us all be United!"
As we handed out pizza, hot cocoa and cake,
We watch in amazement and were there to partake.
As our Christmas Celebration began to unfold,
Pastor Steve watched in contentment, oh bless his soul.
And then, in a twinkling, we felt through the night,
The presence of the holy Spirit right here at our site.
As we praise our Lord, and were turning around,
We could feel the love of Jesus so very profound.
There before us stood a man dressed in rags,
Dirt from head to toes and carrying a bag.
His clothes were all tarnished, smelly and with holes,
As if someone had beat him and ripped off his clothes.
A bundle of his belongings he had flung on his back,
And he looked destitute, as he stopped in his track.
He looked tired and longing for some sleep,
As he looked to see if we had something to eat.
His skin badly burned from sleeping outside,
His garment with blood drawn down from the side.
The beard on his face was prickly and long,
Made him look years older and completely withdrawn.
The sandals he wore on his feet were so worn,
His feet were all dirty and slightly deformed.
He had hands of a carpenter, so rough and so tough,
Let us to believe he was experienced and knew his stuff.
He was skinny and tall, a once handsome man,
Down on his luck, and in need of a plan.
A look in his eye and our faith in the Lord,
Soon gave us the feeling that his heart he implored.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to a seat,
And filled his belly with all the food he could eat.
And as we watched him leave our site,
He gave a nod of thanks, a glance of delight.
We knew we had done everything right!
As he sprang to the street, and vanished into the night,
We were sure we had served our Savior tonight.
But we heard him exclaim, as he walked out of sight,
"Blessed Christmas my Servants, and to all a blessed-night!"
Written by His Servant for Life,
The bags of hope were placed on the tables with care,
In hopes that are guests will soon all be there.
The children came running in hope of some toys,
As Paula and Lisa laid out clothing overjoyed.
While Lyn and Mark prepared for the night,
Our volunteers and leaders were full of delight.
When out on the darkness there arose such a clatter,
We all turned our heads to see what was the matter.
Away to the sidewalk we flew in a flash,
As David and Kevin arrived with the stash.
The prayer team prepared by the glittering lights,
As Maureen and Wendy registered on site.
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
Bill Collier and Deacon Mark spreading some cheer.
With a microphone ready, so lively and skilled,
We knew in a moment it must be our Bill.
More rapid than eagles our guests came,
As he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Now Brian! now, Nancy! now, Larry and Lee!
On, Susie! On, Les! on, Tony and James!
To your feet all at once! Together they shouted!
Together in Jesus let us all be United!"
As we handed out pizza, hot cocoa and cake,
We watch in amazement and were there to partake.
As our Christmas Celebration began to unfold,
Pastor Steve watched in contentment, oh bless his soul.
And then, in a twinkling, we felt through the night,
The presence of the holy Spirit right here at our site.
As we praise our Lord, and were turning around,
We could feel the love of Jesus so very profound.
There before us stood a man dressed in rags,
Dirt from head to toes and carrying a bag.
His clothes were all tarnished, smelly and with holes,
As if someone had beat him and ripped off his clothes.
A bundle of his belongings he had flung on his back,
And he looked destitute, as he stopped in his track.
He looked tired and longing for some sleep,
As he looked to see if we had something to eat.
His skin badly burned from sleeping outside,
His garment with blood drawn down from the side.
The beard on his face was prickly and long,
Made him look years older and completely withdrawn.
The sandals he wore on his feet were so worn,
His feet were all dirty and slightly deformed.
He had hands of a carpenter, so rough and so tough,
Let us to believe he was experienced and knew his stuff.
He was skinny and tall, a once handsome man,
Down on his luck, and in need of a plan.
A look in his eye and our faith in the Lord,
Soon gave us the feeling that his heart he implored.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to a seat,
And filled his belly with all the food he could eat.
And as we watched him leave our site,
He gave a nod of thanks, a glance of delight.
We knew we had done everything right!
As he sprang to the street, and vanished into the night,
We were sure we had served our Savior tonight.
But we heard him exclaim, as he walked out of sight,
"Blessed Christmas my Servants, and to all a blessed-night!"
Written by His Servant for Life,