Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Table Before Me

I realize the more I learn the less I know. Have you ever felt that way?
I love learning new things and as always I like to share them with you, my Gems.
I'm sure many of you have read the 23rd Psalm. 
If you have you are familiar with the verse that says, You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Every time I have read that verse I pictured a banquet table where David sat to share in a feast with his enemies sitting across from him ticked off that he was there.

However I now think I wasn't even close.
I have changed my mind according to the excerpts from: A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller.
"In some of the finest sheep country of the world, especially in the Western United States and Southern Europe, the high plateaux of the sheep ranges were always referred to as "mesas" -- the Spanish word for "tables." Oddly enough, the African word for a table is also "mesa" ... the use of this word is not uncommon in referring to the high, flat-topped plateaux of the continent.
So it may be seen that what David referred to as a table was actually the entire high summer range."

Big difference from an actual table to this right?
But isn't it just like us to read something from God's word that is so massive and huge and make it so small and simple? 
It made me think of things God has prepared for us and how we minimize His vision?
I'm going to use Gena's Jewels as an example. If it's sounds like I'm boasting I am, not in me but what God has done through me!
I always felt close to Jesus even when I was at my worst. On February 28, 1993 I publicly went before God and offered myself to Him.
This is what I wrote in my Bible.
Today I publicly offered myself to God to wait on Him to show me what service of missions He would have me to work in. I hope He will not be disappointed in me.
In 1999 I had a very vivid dream. There was an angel in it that proclaimed to me that I was called to be a crier. At first I thought he meant crier like crying which I wasn't to psyched about, but he said “no, God will use you to cry out His love to His children.”

It was here Gems I saw a plain small table.

Fast forward a few years. 
I started writing my thoughts and lessons from God and would email them to a few close friends. I kid with people that it was cheaper than therapy but quite honestly it was and is my therapy.

These friends started encouraging me to write more which I did and they began to share them with their friends who shared with their friends and before you know it Gena's Jewels was born.
I had no idea God had a much bigger picture than what was in my little self conscious mind.
Most of Gena's Jewels is shared by email however now with Facebook and blog sites there is a bigger audience. I was surprised to find a stats page on my blog site. Those who know me are surprised I figured out how to use a  blog site.  What I found was a glimpse into God's table.
Pageviews by Countries
Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Entry Pageviews
United States 57
Latvia 9
Russia 5
Australia 3
Canada 3
United Kingdom 3
India 3
Germany 2
Hong Kong 2
Sri Lanka 2
This may not mean much to big writers but for me it was AMAZING!

Now let's go to, in the presence of my enemies, using the same excerpt from Phillip Keller.

Another task the attentive shepherd takes on in the summer is to keep an eye out for predators. He will look for signs and spoor of wolves, coyotes, cougars and bears. If these raid or molest the sheep he will have to hunt them down or go to great pains to trap them so that his flock can rest in peace.'

David understood being a shepherd meant not only caring for his sheep but protecting them as well. Once again he is using the symbol of the great shepherd being Jesus Christ.
God truly goes before us to not only prepare the land we will live on physically and spiritually but He will protect us from our predators.
The first time a predator emailed me to correct my spelling or grammar from a jewel I freaked out. And you remember the “My Space” days the guy who wrote to tell me I was an idiot.
The enemy of course reminded me of my parents opinion of me, how they would constantly tell me I was stupid and should quit school. I remember one day the devil said “are you seriously going to email people and prove how stupid you are?”
It was only the love and grace of God and friends that encouraged me that kept me writing.
Today God honors that simple dedication I made in 1993 by using my meager offering as my mission for Him. What I thought would be just a small group of women has grown to hundreds of readers and even devotional books. Only GOD!
Gems what table is God laying before you? Do you see a local carnival when God is trying to build a Disney World?
Are you letting the enemy point out your short comings instead of allowing God to be your source of strength? 
Whatever is on that table I want to encourage you that God has and will prepare the way before you and just like a shepherd He will protect you along the way.


  1. Thank you for your perseverance, your integrity, your transparency and of course..the encouragement to just love Jesus as I am.
    God bless you, sister.
    Love, Jenn Morris...Asheville NC

  2. Thank you for your blog. I do love the spirit of community and encouragement that I feel in your writing. We as Christians always need that gentle reminder to be in HIS Word and not this world.
    Sisters in Christ,
