Wednesday, January 14, 2015

There's An App For That

Keep Your Eyes On The Road
And Your Head Out Of Your Apps

This is an overhead sign you pass on the highways in TN. I love it. It's a reminder to pay attention to your driving and hopefully prevent accidents from texting drivers.
I want to share with you from Psalm 78 (please take the time to read it when you can.) It starts off with the Psalmist telling the Israelite's to share what God has done in the past with their children from one generation to the next so they would know God's commands, His power and miraculous provision.
Psalm 78:6-7 so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God
Verses 12-16 go on to tell the things God did but the people continued to sin and rebel against the Most High God. The Bible says they willfully put God to the test demanding food they craved.
V 19-21 They spoke against God, saying, “Can you spread a table in the desert? When he struck the rock, water gushed out and streams flowed abundantly. BUT can he also give us food? Can he supply meat for the people?” When the Lord heard them he was very angry; his fire broke out against Jacob, and his wrath rose against Israel, for they did not believe in God or trust in his deliverance.
The truth is God had given them the bread of angles! He sent them all the food they could eat. It just wasn't the food they wanted..... hmmm
Sounds like the people had their heads in their apps and weren't keeping their eyes on God. 

At this point in my reading I had to stop because as always these words applied to me. Yea God you did this but can you do THIS?  Seriously I don't know why He even talks to me.  If your a regular Gena's Jewels reader you know when I go down I feel I should take someone with me :)

I felt the Holy Spirit beg the question to me “Gena, why is that even though you know all the ways I have taken care of you and your family, why do you not trust in my deliverance?”
The thing is Gems the problems not that God isn't taking care of things, it's that I don't like the way He's doing it. I don't like His app.

I have my own list of apps I feel can be downloaded and they are way easier. God, just fix it. Don't let it hurt and don't take too long and give me what I want not what I need.

Isaiah 7:9 says if you don't stand firm in your faith you will not stand at all.
We have to go through these situations in life so our faith can grow. Jesus appears to those who need to see Him the most. I don't want people to see me as a person who constantly needs to be delivered from storms but as a person who is always delivered from storms. I want my children to say remember when God ...

The world and some times well meaning Christians will give you all kinds of apps they have used to help their situation or advice on how you should move forward. You can get so many downloads you won't know which way to turn but the truth is we have to continue to believe in God and trust in His deliverance.

Gems I don't know what your facing today but I do know there's an app for every circumstance you may be dealing with today
 it's called the BIBLE.
Remember to share it with your children so the next generation will know, even the children yet to be born and they will tell their children to put their trust in God. Keep your head in His app.

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