Saturday, January 9, 2021

Act Your Age

I had an odd thought this morning so who better to tell than you 😊 I was thinking about people my age.   To be honest I was thinking about how crazy our world is right now. The threat of "big brother" taking over our destinies. The internet being censored, freedom of speech being taken away, ya know all the things we take for granted.

Now before you stop reading, this IS NOT a political jewel, it's a gena's jewel.  Just letting you follow my thoughts so you can travel with me. OK so from here I thought about when I was growing up. We didn't have computers or google or even answering machines. I thought about TV and how at 12:00 pm it automatically shut 

off. We didn't assume the world was coming to an end we just figured we should be in bed by now. Everything would resume in the morning. Ignorant bliss, there is a beauty to it, however, perhaps things got this crazy because of our ignorance.

Moving on... From here I thought what if the "powers that be" made us separate and live in age categories. My first thought of course is I would be devastated not to be with my family but then I got to thinking about people I know, mostly women, no offense men, who are my age. This brought me immediate comfort because most women I know my age are the strongest, faith filled, wisest, thrifty (not cheap) creative people I know. We have raised children without google, apps or dare I say cellphones.

I remember going to the beach on Long Island with a friend, a toddler and infant in tow. I would pack my 4 wheel drive jeep with car seats, diaper bags, a blow up pool and playpen. Let air out of the tires when I got to the beach so I didn't sink in the sand, set up the umbrella and catch a tan by myself. 

I'm not dissing electronics. I am beyond blessed to have 2 more grandbabies in the wombs of their mommies. Because of apps I can watch these sweet babies grow!

I was thinking how women I know could figure out how to put things together using common sense. Now it may not be put together right but it would work. I have hung many a picture on a straight pin. I know how to use duct tape and am not afraid of crazy glue in place of stitches. We are very resourceful and our camp would run efficiently. We would laugh at ourselves and have no need for therapist because we are all about sharing our strengths and weaknesses with each other.
I remember one time when I was working at a publishing company, I had 4 kids at home, 2 of them teenagers 😠 I was going through a  divorce and my salary had a very small base and the rest was commission. I sold advertising on the phone that had a 95% rejection level, good times. Anyway one day a very dear friend of mine I affectionately call Tote, also a single mom, was going through a rough time had a breaking point at work. The two of us went into the bathroom and cried together, hugged it out (we have learned the importance of a 1 min. hug thank you Beverly) and got back on the phones. There is a resilience in this generation of women. Perhaps from desperation I don't know but I thank God for the extra dose. We are women, because of our age, who don't understand computers but we survived!

True story, I have been using this website for years, many years, and just today I realized I could add fonts.  I rest my case.

It's not always easy cohabitating with the younger generation. They speak a language I don't understand. They twitter and tweet which immediately bring images to my mind of blue birds. They have chat rooms instead of local bars which is probably better since apparently chat rooms don't serve alcohol. They don't smoke pot they have prescriptions for medical marijuana. Both of these activities don't require any interaction with other people.  How awful would the camp be where you don't actually talk to each other or get hugs??
I remember when I first got a job at a Title Company and they  gave me a laptop. I didn't have a computer at home, honestly I don't think I even used a personal computer yet. When I got home my son Kenny (not my son by birth) was at my house. He saw me walking up the driveway and said "what are you doing with that? You don't even know how to work it!"  I said "I know, but don't I Iook great carrying it."

As always it's all about perspective, how we see a situation. 

Well Gems I, like the internet, have given you a lot of useless information but I hope I at least brought a smile to your face. No matter what your age I pray you are kind to one another. Help us old gals out with your technology and we'll throw you some common sense when needed.  Together, no matter our age, would be a much better camp than separate.


  1. From a friend:
    I remember when they gave you a laptop at the publishing company and you said “ I have no idea how to even turn this on but I look damn good carrying it!!

  2. LOL, great read. Still laughing as an official old age person. Don’t quite remember when that transition happened but yes, I’m there with you!
