Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Disciplined Disciple

Have you ever noticed that disciple and discipline are very similar? If you don't have discipline you may not be a disciple. What does it mean to be a disciple? This is a really good question and one that you might get several answers on. There are tons of curriculums available along with 10 easy step programs, but what does it really look like to call yourself a disciple? I had the Holy Spirit ask me this exact question recently and I’ll share briefly what I uncovered.

The easiest definition of the word disciple is, pupil. Basically someone applying what they learn into everyday activities.  My advice, before you decide you want to be one,  know what you're committing to. My oldest son always says “read them the fine print before they decide to follow Jesus.”

That may sound like an odd comment but the truth is before marriage we weigh out all the pros and cons of our betrothed so when we say I do, we do.  How much more important your decision making Jesus the Lord of your life!

Jesus doesn’t command us to make converts or Christians he commands us to follow Him and make disciples.

Matthew 16:24-26  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

It’s not how much of the bible we know, it’s how much we obey. Living a life of devotion to Jesus is discipleship. We have to ask ourselves how much time do we spend each day reading the bible (the how to manual) to even know what following requires.  Jesus asks us “why do you call me Lord and not do what I say? He expects us to study His words, His works and His ways so we can become like Him. 

Our children watch us and mimic us often, usually when we want them to the least. Recently I was visiting my 3 year old grandson Eli and I was tickling him. He wanted me to stop so he ran away from me, turned back toward me, pointed his finger directly at me and with an authoritative tone commanded “Nana! In the name of Jesus be nice!!”

It stopped me in my tracks. I tried not to laugh out loud but truthfully I was thrilled that not only was he learning from his family, he was applying it  :) 

Jesus can’t be a part of your life only when it’s convenient, He’s not looking for fans He’s looking for followers. Many people will start excited to grow, learn and serve then something happens in their life that shakes their faith and they decide having Jesus truly be Lord of their life is too much to ask. This fact has been true since the beginning, many of the disciples/pupils that walked with Jesus personally decided His teachings were too difficult and walked away.

Honestly, it’s not  always easy to follow Jesus but the reward is eternal life. The fact is Jesus didn’t just die on a cross and rise to life just so we could go to Heaven,  even though that would be enough!   Christ  gave His life so He could be Lord of mine and hopefully yours as well. 

If you don’t know what being a disciple means, pray and ask God to help you.  Get a bible and start reading it, join a church that teaches the word of God. Become part of a bible study. Don’t just see Jesus as a part of your life, be seen as a part of His.


  1. Thank you Gena , this Gem hits a home run; I am studying the 10 commandments (Ex20 & Deu5), foundational yes! But deep and revealing some of the nature of our Heavenly Father….
    Our Prayers & Spiritual warfare are most powerful when Faith meets God’s Word, and the Logus(written or memorized word) becomes Rhemi(active & accomplishments).

    1. We need to know the beginning of The Story! :) thanks for sharing
