Sunday, January 10, 2010

Unrequited Love

We hear a lot about God’s love for us. He loved us so much He sent His only son to die for us. We are taught about the Love of Jesus and sing songs with words like “He loves us oh how he loves us” “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” I think that’s great and I love singing these songs but if I really think about it they seem a bit one sided.
Through out the Bible the Lord uses the marriage relationship of a man and woman to indicate the intimacy of the relationship we should have with Him.
When you first get married a bride and groom spend every free moment together. When ever you see one you will usually see the other and they are usually holding hands or sucking face. Honestly at times they can be just plain annoying they are so happy and “in love.” You might see a couple at a restaurant and they are so into their conversation it’s like no one else is there and you say to yourself they are obviously newly weds. They want the whole world to know they just got married, we even write “just married” on the car they leave their wedding in. We are talking in love here.
When I was first divorced I went to a church and decided to join a Sunday school class for the first time, the problem was the only class that was in my age group was the young marrieds. Are you kidding me! Being newly divorced you can imagine how annoying it was for me to see all these young men and women being all gooshy with one another.
A new bride will do everything she can to make her new man happy even at the cost of her own needs and wants. They will attend events or movies that they don’t like to please their new spouse but after a while the newness wares off and the being together 24/7 is not as pleasing as it once was. You’ve heard the saying “the honey moon is over.” The worst part is when the honey moon is over for one and not the other or a woman who no longer feels like the main attraction in her husband’s life. The Bible even talks about it.
Proverbs 30:21 Under three things the earth is disquieted, and under four it cannot bear up:
23: An unloved and repugnant woman when she is married, and a maidservant when she supplants her mistress.

If your new spouse started loving someone more than you would you have a problem with that?
Guess what Jesus does to.
Matthew 10:37-39 Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

We talk so much about the love Jesus has for us but I want to challenge you to focus on your love for Him. Does he have unrequited love? Did you used to find alone time with Him. Did He used to be a top priority in your life? Did you used to talk to Him all the time but now you’re busy with work, family and other responsibilities that have somehow become more important? Has He ever had this place in your heart?

I know when I had my first love I would go out of my way to see him any chance I got. I also remember being so in love with someone and he did not feel the same way. It was awful, truly a living hell but I still took every chance I could to spend time with him. I would rearrange my entire life to spend 10 minutes with him.
When you’re in love or love someone you will do the craziest things. Take a moment right now and reminisce on a time in your life when you did something crazy for love……
On another note let’s talk about sin or in other words our actions toward the one we love and in this scenario that would be Jesus. I’m making a conscious effort to make decisions in my life to honor God. The Lord has really convicted me about movies and the fact that we have no problem watching them even when they use the Lord’s name in vain. You don’t even have to go to an actual movie we have come to the point we will use the Lord’s name in vain on regular TV!
Commandment Number 3 Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord in Vain.
I was talking to a woman (a professing believer in Christ) the other day about movies and she told me she watches movies all the time she knows she shouldn’t but she does it anyway. She said it very matter of fact and very unapologetic. She is a mom too and I thought to myself if you gave rules to your teenager and they not only broke them but looked you right in the eye and said “I know I’m not supposed to do this or that but I did it anyway.” How would you react to that? I know my kids would be ducking for cover and no doubt be punished. Why is it OK to just disobey God? Do you think there will be no repercussion of your decision?
I have made a promise to the Lord that I will shut off the TV or leave a movie if they use His name in vain. A few days after making this promise I went to the movies with some friends and I remember thinking to myself as I took my seat in the theater I really hope they don’t use the Lord’s name in vain so I don’t have to walk out of this movie theater. I mean people think I’m enough of a freak do I have to give them more ammunition?
I’ll be honest when the Lord first brought this movie thing up to me I flippantly said to Him “I guess I’m going to have to give up my whole life” no sooner had the words came out of my mouth Jesus said to me “whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Talk about the word coming to life!
I felt so bad; I apologized to the Lord for being such a jerk. Jesus obeyed His father even when He didn’t want to. He prayed to God before His crucifixion to the point he was sweating blood and asking God if there was another way He could do His plan. The bottom line was He would do whatever His father asked, even if it meant dying. (Gena translation)
I don’t want it to be just Jesus in love with me, unrequited love. I want to be in love with Him too and as I say to my children “action speaks louder than words.” I don’t want to become tolerant of sin when sin cost the love of my life His life.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not telling you I don’t mess up I do but I’m going to really try and not take advantage of what the Lord has done for me. I want to show Him my love by trying to be more obedient and I hope you will too.
1John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments: 1John 14:15
The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you.

I decided to write a new praise song, you can make your own music should you decide to sing it.

Lord I love you
And as I start my day
Help me be kind
With the words that I say

I will seek you during the week
And on Sunday have dessert
How can I eat once a week
And expect not to hunger or thirst

May I share with the needy
And those without hope
May I be strong in your Spirit
To show others how to cope

May I love my enemies
When they are mean to me
May I take the example from
the one who was hung on the tree

May I not curse or swear
Or use your name in vain
May I not make excuses for addictions
And say others are to blame

May I fight for life
No sex out of marriage
Fight for the unborn
Put the baby in the carriage

God unrequited love
Has to be the worst of all
May I not be guilty of it
May I not take that fall

I love you Lord
You are my friend, Savior and mate
May my actions speak loud and clear
When I’m judged at your gate

Thank you Jesus for your power
The Holy Spirit gives
To walk this life victorious
Cause Jesus truly lives!!!!


  1. Wow! All I can say is wow. This is such a wonderful read. Thank you for the message of Love as you have stated here. Stay encouraged, He is faithful and will complete the work He has begun in you. Thank you once again.

    Your Brother in Christ, Eugene

  2. Hey sis, I love your heart, lets get a group together and just dance before HIM in praise and adoration. A needed thing to brig HIS glory down upon us. LOL Roe
