Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Passover

We are once again getting ready to celebrate Passover. For those of you who are not sure what that is, here is your Gena Translation.  As usual you should read the factual story in your Bible, the book of Exodus.
OK so this nasty King called Pharaoh in Egypt is treating the people called the Israelite's really bad. He forces them to do slave labor with harsh working conditions and they have been crying out to God to be rescued. In comes Moses. Again read your Bible about Moses he was a stuttering murderer and God transformed His life just as He transforms our lives today. The people in the Bible have more in common with you than you think. Not that I'm calling you a stuttering murderer...

So Moses gets the job of leading the people and telling the bad king to “let my people go.” Pharaoh says no and God starts hitting the Egyptians with some plaques to help him change his mind. Pharaoh continues to say no until the last plaque.

God tells the Israelite's to sacrifice an unblemished lamb and take some of the blood and put it on the top and sides of their door frame. God tells Moses that night the Angel of death would pass over Egypt and any home without the lambs blood on the doorpost would lose their first born.
Exodus 11:5  All the firstborn sons will die in every family in Egypt, from the oldest son of Pharaoh, who sits on his throne, to the oldest son of his lowliest servant girl who grinds the flour. Even the firstborn of all the livestock will die.
Pharaoh finally had enough and when Moses comes back again to say “let my people go” he says yes.

In the end it wasn't Pharaoh's finally saying yes or Moses conviction or the Israelite's crying out to God that rescued them. It was God himself that saved the children of Israel and brought them out of bondage and on the way to the Promise Land.

This was a glimpse of what was to come. Our sweet Jesus would be our Passover lamb. Anyone with Jesus name written on their heart will pass over from this world to Heaven and again it won't be by some great pastor or awesome church or tons of acts of kindness it will once again be God that does the miracle.

Many people celebrate the birth of Christ and I'm not saying that's wrong but the Bible clearly says we are to celebrate Christ Death and resurrection on the cross because it was His blood that overcomes the death angel in our lives.
Gems it's not about dying eggs and eating chocolate rabbits wearing pretty dresses and doing your twice a year church contribution, it's about being obedient to all God's commands.
Having a party to celebrate Jesus and my promise of Heaven is an easy command to keep.

God tells us to continue to celebrate Passover until Christ returns.
Exodus 12:14“This is a day to remember. Each year, from generation to generation, you must celebrate it as a special festival to the Lord. This is a law for all time.” 

I pray you too will join in the Passover celebration and be obedient to the command of God.
Share this special time of year with your friends and family. Tell those who don't know Jesus they too can get out of bondage and Passover into the Promise Land!

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