Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Voices In My Head

I was at the beach this weekend with part of my family. We met friends there and just had a great time. It was nearing the end of the weekend and my son Anthony and I were loading the car. Anthony had just put the beach chairs and cooler into the car and I was headed back to the room we stayed in to get the last of our stuff.
On the way up the stairs to the room I had one of those thoughts that pop in your head out of no where, ya know what I mean? Like your not thinking about any particular thing then all of a sudden BAM you have this thought.
It wasn't a good thought I can tell you that and instead of thinking something else I thought more about the negative thought. Each step I climbed I added to my thought of negativeness and it got worse and worse. By the time I got to the room, made my way back down the stairs and returned to the car and my unsuspecting son it got ugly.
Mind you his mother that left him a few minutes before was all happy and smiles about the great time the family just had but the mom who came back was, well a lunatic.
It started off small I was grumbling and complaining under my breath and Anthony made the mistake of asking what was wrong. I then started yelling at him that as usual I was the one carrying EVERYTHING!
In reality I had two small bags, one in each hand. Did I mention he just loaded all the chairs and the cooler?
I shot him an aggravated look and he looked at me like who is this woman and what happened to my mother?
One of the things I love about Anthony is he doesn't react to my psychotic behavior in the flesh. What I mean is he doesn't get defensive and just bark back at me. He could have, you might say he even had the right to but he chose not to.
He reminded me that he just put stuff in the car and then with a sheepish grin started messing with me. He said things like “OK mom how did psycho woman get out? What happened when you went up the stairs?” He then looked me in the eye and said “I'm going to walk away now, would you prefer I do left right left or right left right” as he motioned to his legs while slowly walking to put a safe distance between us.
I started laughing because I knew I was yelling at him for no reason.
When I played the last few minutes back in my mind I realized how crazy the whole scene looked and I burst out laughing. I apologized for being a freak and we both had a good laugh.
One of the things I love about our family is we can forgive and forget quickly and move on .
Gems the enemy put a thought in my head and at that very moment I could have recognized it was from the devil and replaced it and psycho woman would not have been released.
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

We have to take those thoughts captive. Our mind is where most battles begin and end. That whole conversation I had was in my head, scary place.
How many times have you had that happen? Have a thought in your own mind and it leads to an argument to the first unsuspecting soul that crosses your path.
In war you take prisoners captive and lock them up. Why? Because if you capture your enemy and let him walk freely next to you chances are you'll end up dead.
Same results with thoughts. If you don't take them captive they can kill a relationship. You start thinking people are doing and saying things to you and before you know it your thoughts become your reality but there is no truth to them.
I had the first thought and just started building on it. The scene in my head got bigger and bigger till I had a movie playing in my mind,the problem was I was playing all the roles and none of them were good.
Gems I think we are all guilty of this scenario at some time in our lives . We may not always be as lucky as I was in this jewel. If you have someone that is easily offended or is having voices in their own head and you collide it can get pretty ugly.
The next time this happens to you, or me, let's remember to do what the Bible says and take captive every thought that's not from God. It's guaranteed to drown out the negative voices in our head and replace them with positive ones.


  1. God Bless Gena,
    I know I say this everytime but "How did you know this also was an issue with me this week?"

    The last few days I have been wallowing in my pity and I needed thias to show me..... that this wasn't me!
    Thank you for your wonderful God given inspiration!

  2. Awesome words. The devil often enters my thoughts too, and it's hard to shake those thoughts away, I will definetly be more aware of it now and quicker to end those evil conversations in my head!! Thank you for all the knowledge you share!!!
