Sunday, October 18, 2020

Down Hill From Here

Well it happened Gems, I turned 60 and  survived!

I thought of the phrase "it's all downhill from here" and of course it got me  thinking about a jewel.

I decided to take a positive view on the quote, so I'm going to share some sound downhill lessons I have learned.

Downhill is more leisurely than up because you're not fighting gravity right? So pick your battles, many of our journeys can be more easy going if you're not bickering over the non essentials. I have learned to ask myself "does this circumstance have eternal significance?"


My grandson wanted to sleep over but he doesn't yet wipe his own butt which I tell him is a must to sleep at Nana's. His rebuttal on the subject is "I can't wipe my own hiney!" I of course ask him why, and before responding, he gives me a look of disbelief, like what is wrong with you Nana clearly you know the answer to the dilemma!  

"I can't wipe my own hiney because I can't see it?"

Sometimes we are focusing on the wrong thing in our need to be right or heard or seen. We have to change our outlook on the situation so we can envision answers instead of obstacles.

Like many of you I have struggled with this pandemic for MANY reasons, one being loneliness. I definitely battled with depression.  There were days I just wanted to stay in bed, head covered, and be blue, dejected, dispirited downcast , just plain downhearted. Can you relate?

My downhill experience was to make sure the minute I woke up I got out of bed and immediately made it. It's not like this was a new concept as I make my bed every morning, I'm kind of OCD about it, OK I am OCD about  it. The point is, it was an intentional decision to get out of the bed! 

For me riding my bike became my therapy, unfortunately in Florida most roads are flat so there weren't many actual down hills other than passing over a speed bump. Take what you can get.

On the note of house cleaning I was also a freak about that. Just ask my kids I'm sure they would have 10 stories off the top of their heads of my obsession. My oldest son Anthony told me I could spot a piece of lint on a freshly vacuumed carpet, this was not a complement. On one of my "occasions" he told his younger brother Nathanael not to make eye contact with me .

I have learned that dirty dishes, laundry or even unmade beds have no eternal significance. They can't replace laying on a blanket on a mountain in TN with your oldest grandson looking for shooting stars, or watching your son with his own family playing in a waterfall. 

We read of sisters in the Bible, Mary and Martha who experienced this when Yeshua (Jesus) came to visit and Martha felt like Mary was leaving all the OCD to her.

Luke 10:38-42 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Yeshua’s feet and heard His word.  But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.  But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

King David was a downhill guy. In 1 Samuel 30 he shares a time when the men in his army were so angry with him they talked about stoning him. I encourage you to read the story for yourself to get the full impact. 

"David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him, for all the people were embittered, each one because of his sons and daughters. BUT David strengthened himself in the Lord his God."   1 Samuel 30:6

When David wrote the 23rd Psalm he was definitely a man in conflict.

v4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

David was choosing to focus on the "downhill" side of things. God would get him through it.

I am also directionally challenged! Seriously I can get lost if there are only 2 turns involved. I have no sense of direction, where the sun rises and sets is of no aid to me.

I keep this on my dashboard so if I start to freak out, I read it out loud. 

It's amazing how it can redirect my emotions. 

When I think back over the years and how many journeys I ruined for myself and my kids because we were lost. I would immediately shut off the radio so I could see the road signs, hit the steering wheel as if it was the cause of my hysteria, hit the brakes, threaten to go back home, not that I knew how to do that. Basically kill the chance of happiness for any of us.

My down hill decision to this, enjoy the ride. Pack a snack if you think you will be gone a while. Savor views you would have missed because chances are you will never find them again. Leave early so you're not stressing over being late in case your OCD about being late, just sayin.  We now have the beauty of GPS, I think it could have saved many family outings and possibly marriages.

I'm sure there are numerous lessons learned in 60 years, you could probably add many to the list. The bottom line is life is a journey at any age. I am beyond blessed with mine, the good and the bad. I consider myself the richest woman alive, I have an inheritance money can't buy!

My grandchildren from the top:

Lucas, Ezra, Anthony holding Hannah, Josiah

Nehemiah and me 😍

You don't have to have grandkids or even kids for that matter to be rich, you just have to find things that you choose to make you happy and let it be all downhill from there. Having a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus) that gives you access to our Father is the greatest downhill  experience you can have and share. It's the ride that last for eternity!

Well Gems, thanks for sharing my birthday takeaways. I pray you will transform your own "downhill" experiences into jewels. I applaud you for all the speed bumps you have overcome and all the journeys yet to come. Thank you for being the downhill to my experiences, getting to share them with you always makes my heart happy.

Just in case I missed yours, Happy Birthday!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY GENA! Oh how I miss you!! Let us get together for a birthday lunch?
    You are an amazingly wonderful child of the Most High King! Going to the Life's Choices banquet tomorrow night! It is one of the things that I believe the Lord looks down as says to us,
    "Good Job girls!!!" HE is in total control there and continuing to change lives and save babies! I LOVE YOU!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. It was an honor serving the King with you Kathy!

  3. happy birthday "butterfly" you should have told me and i would have had them sing to you

  4. It's November 4th at 6pm. My heart is tight waiting for the election results. I'm scrolling through my email and I see this unread Jewel from October 18. And I think to myself, GENA ALWAYS BLESSES MY SOCKS OFF....YES, RIGHT NOW I NEED A JEWEL!
    You wouldn't believe how totally appropriate this 3 week old Gem is. I feel better already. God never fails to use GENA DURAN to bless me.
    Happy belated birthday, sister.

  5. Thank you Jenn! Always good to hear from you :)
