Monday, July 5, 2010

Life On The Rock

Is it a coincidence that the word life has the word if in it? There's a lot of what ifs in our life. What if I can't find a job, what if I lose my home, what if my spouse leaves, what if I can't find a spouse, what if I get sick, what if I don't get better, and so the list goes.
I have my own share of what ifs. The ones at the top of my list right now are what if I lose my mind dealing with my mothers Alzheimer. What if my father actually hears what I say under my breath :)
What if I can't find help for my parents.
I have shared in other jewels my dilemma with my mothers condition and my father being extremely hard of hearing and beginning dementia.
My father's doctor had me take him for a hearing test. If you have any dealings with the VA system you know any day at the VA is a long day...
My conversation with my father goes like this (me) I need to take you for a hearing test. (him) what? (Me) we need to go to the VA for a hearing test (him) I don't need rest. (me in a loud voice) A HEARING TEST (him) why the beep beep are you yelling I can hear you. (Me) get in the car (him) what's too far? What the beep beeps the matter with you?(me) saying something under my breath.
The end result, we go to the appointment and they tell me my father needs the hearing aids (he has and doesn't wear) because he has a hearing loss.... No kidding.
He also had to have an eye test in order to keep his drivers license.
As he's sitting in the exam chair with this contraption attached to his face the letters show up on the wall. My father is struggling to see and complaining that the beep beep signs on the road are not that small. At the same time my mother is sitting next to me thinking the test is for her so she is saying out loud “A,V,M, 3,T.” My father still failed because he could not hear her.
Conversation with my mother is a bit more humorous but just as frustrating.
My mother has an appointment for cataract surgery, the problem is she needs eye drops put in 3 days before and 2 days after surgery.
This means someone has to be at my parents house a total of 6 days.
My father insist he can do it because he's not a beep beep idiot and doesn't want to pay for someone to come and help.
My mom needs one eye drop three times a day and the other one 4 times a day. I have the bottles marked with 3x and 4x in black marker.
We were supposed to start on the 4th so I call to remind them.
Our phone conversation goes something like this. (me) mom you need to start the eye drops today. One eye drop 3x a day and the other 4x. (mom) on the 7th? (me) no today, the surgery is on the 7th. (mom) You mean start on the 3rd and 4th. (me) no on the 4th 3x a day (mom)what about the 1st and 2nd? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
It truly is an Abbott and Costello “whose on first” every time I talk to them.
(for you younger gems go to YouTube and type “Abbott and Costello whose on first” you more seasoned gems will get a good laugh too )
I think of this skit every time I talk to my parents.

I am working again so being able to go to my parents house every time I'm needed is not possible as they live over an hour away from me.
To add to my situation a kind hearted soul felt the need to turn me into the Elderly Services abuse hot line. The case worker went to their home and saw it was in order and my parents are not being neglected but now he calls me weekly to find out how I'm going to “fix” the situation.
I asked if them moving in with him was an option.
After another frustrating conversation with my mother this morning I cried out to the Lord that I needed help.
As always the Lord starts by giving me good advice. The scripture I got was Matthew 7:24-25 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
The verses before these are Jesus giving us instructions in relation to money, anxiety, judging and prayer among other things. Any answer you need on the what ifs is in the Bible.
Jesus says if you not only listen but put into practice what He's telling you, then when the storms of life or what ifs come you won't fall because your house is built on the rock.
It doesn't say if they come it says when.
The first thing you have to do is make sure your relationship with the Lord is on a solid foundation.
I know I have that relationship and it's solid.
For me it was a great reminder that this storm of what ifs may beat against my house but I will not collapse.
I don't have the answer right this minute to what will happen with my parents but I know God does.
My part is to read the Bible and make sure I'm following God's teachings ,that is my responsibility.
I need to focus on the things I can do not the things I can't.
I'll be honest with you, I was really freaking out this morning. I called one of my sisters and told her I could not handle this on my own. Actually what I said was “I'm done!”
I could feel my heart begin to race and I had that overwhelming feeling come over me. The I have no money thing came into my mind and the what if's began. I had taken the situation out of God's hands and put it back into mine.
God is so faithful. After I read my Bible I got the daily word on my email. This is what it said.
July 5, 2010. What is going on? You are searching for answers. But confusion has come. This has affected your peace of mind. You have begun to rely excessively upon your intellect and reason. The Lord says rely not on your own thinking or wisdom. You have been given the mind of Christ. You are hidden in Him and He lives within you. Therefore, your resources are without limit to gain supernatural knowledge of all things pertaining to you. God's wisdom is a free and an abundant gift. Settle down here beside Me. Everything is alright in the Father's house. You are here with Me and I am with you.
Ras Robinson
It was instant smile time. I just laughed and thanked the Lord for speaking to me so quickly. I needed conversation and He provided it. God is so good.
FYI the verses following come with a warning 26-27 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."
It would make sense that the results of our decisions will have different outcomes.
How many times have you felt like your world was crashing? How many times have you gone to friends and they are so overwhelmed with their own storm they can't possibly help you?
The difference between the 2 decisions could mean more or less of a peaceful life.

So Gems my word of wisdom for you today is read Matthew 7 and put into practice Jesus' words. When your next storm of what ifs hits your foundation wont fall because you are standing on the rock.

If your life isn't built on the rock, better known as Jesus Christ I encourage you to change that.
If it is let me remind you there's no ifs ands or butts to big for our God.
Let's all live life on the Rock!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Wonderful Gena!
    As usual, you have touched on a subject that I needed to hear and has been on my mind for a while.
    Matthew 6 is one of my favorite Chapters in the Gospels. Lately, verse 33 has been at the forefront of my mind, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you."
    This is definetly a Faith over fear/worry verse with Trust being the subject. It's a warning too! A warning to those who don't seek him... You have a lot to worry about. Also a warning to those who do seek him first..."Don't worry if you ARE seeking him first!"
    So, when he promises "all these things shall be added unto you" He means SO much more than you have lost in the process.
    Paul, awaiting execution from his prison cell wrote this:
    Romans 8:18 "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
    WOW!!! Need I say more? Paul is facing death here but has his eyes on Heaven and all it's Glory... What Faith!!!

