Monday, February 6, 2017

Either I'm God Or I'm Not

I had an ah ha moment the other day about Mary, Jesus mother. Mary became the Holy of Holies when Christ took up residence in her womb, a place for Jesus to reside. Today if you have a relationship with Jesus your body too becomes a residence for Him and the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

Mary carried Jesus physically, we carry Him spiritually.

I know you already knew that but it was one of those truths that I apparently needed to be reminded of. With that said there are times the Lord speaks to us, some refer to it as "getting a word." We have this precious gift of communication with our Lord because of the Holy Spirit who now lives in our temple/body. So when we get a word it is our job to protect it. Don't let anyone steal it.

In John 16 Jesus is talking to His disciples about he Holy Sprit, a new concept to them and perhaps a new concept to you. He tells them in V 13 "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever he hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come."

Just pause and let that sink in for a moment.....

How many times have you asked, God what is coming next??????
I need way more then 2 hands to count that.
Encouragement #1 the Lord will tell the Holy Spirit to speak to you HOWEVER you may not always like what He says.
Case in point.

Years ago when I first began this unexplainable ride of faith and the Lord was emptying me spiritually, emotionally and physically I would pray like a crazy women.
"What are we doing, where are we going, how are we going to pull this off how, how, why, why....

I am not kidding Gems when I tell you that for a year straight , Every time I prayed He responded with the same answer "Either I'm God or I'm not." -  What if - "Either I'm God or I'm not" - How can - "Either I'm God or I'm not." BUT... "Either I'm God or I'm not."

I am not exaggerating here. I got to the point that I would say "OK God I'm getting ready to talk to you and SERIOUSLY, I know who you are so PLEASE don't say what I think you're going to say!!!! And when I was done He said, you guessed it, Either I'm God or I'm not.

AHHHHHHHHH!!! What's the deal here? Jesus said the Holy Spirit would speak what He hears the Father say, did God not think the Holy Spirit could handle more than 6 words over a 12 month period?? Did He not think I was able to comprehend more than 6 words??
I would be sooooooo frustrated!

I like to make the Bible personal when I read it so verse 14 says "He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to Gena."

Maybe I needed to look up "glorify me" because that is not the emotion I felt when I got the pat answer to my desperate prayers.
Oh there were other glorifying answers to my on going questions like, where will we live now that my house is foreclosed? Being a Realtor it was only natural that I would look at possible homes as I was driving around town because the Holy Spirit told me God had my next house picked out and everything I needed would be provided.
Yet every time I looked at a house I would hear God say "you can pick it or I will."

It was different than "either I'm God or I'm not" but honestly just as frustrating.

Gems I had to protect the word the Lord gave me from everyone who told me I was crazy and from those that thought they knew Him better than the Holy Spirit when they said things like, God wouldn't do this or that.
I had to hold on to the truth that the Holy Spirit lived in me and He would only tell me what He heard the Father say. Even if it were 6 word answers. It didn't matter that  I couldn't explain anything that was happening in my life I knew that I knew that God was speaking to me and His word, the Bible confirmed it.

The reality is I had no idea that down the road in my journey the Lord would ask me to do other things that I would need greater faith to handle. Greater revelations than a trivial thing like what my address would be. Things larger then where will I work. I needed to know I served a God who had so much more power. It was His grace and truly to His glory for me to REALLY believe that He was God!!! That there was nothing impossible for Him!
That I was adequate and equipped to handle any assignment no matter how inexperienced I was or am, because I had experienced His plan in my life first hand and I knew that HE IS GOD!

Those words, either I'm God or I'm not, have become a source of comfort to me. To this day, every time I find myself in a situation I have no control over or I'm overcome with fear or exhaustion I gently remind myself of my past and slowly a smile will come over my heart and face as I now hear Him say, "I AM GOD."

Gems, I pray this reminder encourages you in your journey. I hope it shows you that the Holy Spirit tells us what we are ready for at the time. I pray your stability and security grow knowing God is adequate for you at all times. I don't know what questions you're asking Him right now but I do know the answer, either He's God over your life or He's not. Either you believe Him or you don't. It's really that simple.

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Thank you God that your eyes are always upon me.


  1. My sweet friend...I always grin while reading your posts! They serve me with encouragement, confirmation, feelings of knowing I'm not alone in this similar crazy journey. Oh how I wish we lived closer! But thank You God for crossing our paths and for giving me a friend and sister like Gena!
    "God wouldn't do this or that" is one comment that gets under my skin, but it's also one that drives me deeper to Jesus where I come out stronger in my faith and steadfastness as I hold tight to His rhema word for me. Love you dearly and thanks for posting this critical reminder! - Char

  2. Gena, so well said. I wish more people knew the glory of that which is contained within them. The Holy Spirit is promised to every believer and Jesus said it would provide guidance for our very lives and confirm His word and purpose in our lives. He is God and He does come to dwell within us. Let us hear more of Him and less of our own thinking and ways.

  3. Beautiful and of course, timely, my dear friend. Thank you for your precious transparency. Love, Danine

  4. Love this and yes, yes, yes - HE IS GOD!

    Tight hugs my friend

  5. Beautiful Gena, you have taught me so much and this last 6 months have been quite humbling for me. God is directing me. I feel His love. Thank you for helping me through a very difficult time. I'm still here! I love you my sweet friend! Cyndi

  6. Thanks for your Blog Gena... Truly inspirational words, that touch my heart.

    You Go Girl
    Arthur Alton

  7. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
