Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Technical Difficulty

The other day I was watching my grandsons and helping them clean their room. I told Lucas, the 4 year old, to pick up the books that were all over the floor. After he picked them all up he said “Nana I want this book” and pointed to the one on the bottom of the stack. I told him he could have it but he would have to put all the books back again when he was done. About 20 minutes later I went in his room and there were books all over the floor and I told him to pick them up. He looked at me with the sweetest eyes and said “I want you to help me Nana.” I of course reminded him that I said if he took them out he would have to put them all back. He then corrected me and said “you didn’t say I had to do it alone Nana, if that’s what you meant you should have said that.” He had me on a technicality.
I wondered how many times the Lord tells us to do something and we don’t do it and try to hold Him on a technicality. We know what He told us to do and we actually think we can get one over on Him using this theory.
For example, I knew the Lord told me to go visit a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. I didn’t go that day (technically He didn’t say go today) so I waited until it was more convenient for me which happened to be a few days later. When I did go see her I found out her dad passed away after a long battle of old age and sickness. Guess when it happened? Right, the day the Lord told me to go over there.
Joyce Meyer says in one of her books that procrastination is the same as disobedience. Powerful statement and very true. It doesn’t have to be something you don’t want to do it could be something you’re looking forward to but putting off for whatever reason. If the Lord tells us to do something all the technicalities in the world will not sway His decision. If you don’t do it you’re not listening. I think the same rule applies when we are not living out our true purpose because we are busy doing other things. We may use this technical call; but God it’s the Christian thing to do or it makes sense to do this or that. If it’s not part of God’s plan for your life and it’s keeping you from your purpose that too is disobedience. We have to learn to distinguish between the times when we are to be Jesus for people and the times Jesus wants to do things Himself.
Too often in my kids life I have tried to be Jesus for them on the technicality that they are my kids and it’s my God given right to interfere. It didn’t work in the past and it doesn’t work now.
I pray you will take a moment today to evaluate where you are in your walk with the Lord and ask yourself:
Am I doing what God designed me to do?
Am I hiding behind some other “Christian” job avoiding my own?
Am I trying to be God for someone?
Am I trying to get God on a technicality?
Only you can answer these questions.

Aren’t you glad we have God to make the game plan, Jesus to send it with love and the Holy Spirit to clarify any misunderstood calls. With God there is no technical difficulty!

Gena’s Jewels


  1. Incredible insights, Gena!! 💗💗

  2. This was such a good word for me today! Thank you for writing with such wisdom and authenticity.
