Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Right Card Wrong Company

I was going to get my hair cut and I put my ATM card in my back pocket so I wouldn’t have to carry a purse. After the haircut I went to the counter to pay and handed the girl my card. She looked at me kind of funny and said “we don’t take library cards here.” I had grabbed the wrong card out of my purse. At a quick glance they looked the same, they were the same color and size but what they were able to do was quite different. One only borrowed, the other one bought.
I started thinking about my relationship with Jesus and all the things I borrow from Him when I need it. If I’m depressed I might say I have the joy of the Lord. If I’m scared I say, perfect love cast out fear. If I’m lonely, I say He will never leave or forsake me. All of these things are true and I can borrow (believe) them when ever I want to. The truth is unless I truly buy (know) these things; the feeling of comfort is only temporary.
I was listening to an interview Jessie Duplantis did and he said most people go though their whole Christian walk believing but never knowing the truths of God. He actually used my favorite verse:
2ndTimothy 1:12 For which cause I suffer also these things: yet I am not ashamed; for I know him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Paul was stating here that not only did he believe, he knew that he could trust God. Many of us say we believe in God, in miracles, in healing, in Heaven in…. The key is to KNOW. It’s an action word not a noun.
I am going through some life changes that are dramatically affecting my life and the other night I had my own little melt down. I did what I believed was right, I got out my Bible and read God’s word and encouraged myself but I still had a good crying session till I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning I turned on the TV and that’s when I heard Jessie Duplantis saying my favorite verse and emphasizing the “know” part. I sat up in bed and said out loud “I do know. I have seen God work in my life. I know the strength I find is supernatural and can only come from God and I KNOW He is faithful!” I didn’t just believe (borrow) I reminded myself that I knew (bought).
The best way for you and I to know God will be there is to trust Him (another action word) and no matter what the circumstances look like or what people are saying remind ourselves that we aren’t using a library card that just believes we are using a debit card that bought us outright. Read the small print, there is no credit limit!

Gena’s Jewels

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