Friday, August 21, 2009

Four Wheelin

I had a dream the other night I want to share with you. I was driving a truck down a scenic road with woods on both sides. There were beautiful green trees and wild flowers growing effortlessly. I saw a dirt road to the right and was going to drive down it but the girl in the truck with me (I was alone in the truck) said “you can’t go down that road alone” and what once looked like a really cool road now looked scary to me. Then I was driving down the other side of the road and saw another cut out in the trees but this time I chose to take the detour. At first I was driving on hard dirt in the woods but gradually the ground became lose sand and eventually I went into a ditch. The wheels of the truck started to spin. I could see the whole scene as if I were looking at it from above. I was afraid that if I sunk too far in the sand I would be totally stuck. I got out of the truck grabbed the grill in front and pulled it out with my own hands. Again I’m watching from above and taking in the whole scene. Then I woke up.
The Holy Spirit told me the dream was an example of our life. We are all on a journey and for the most part we are on smooth pavement, on a road that someone else carved out so it’s pretty safe to just drive on auto pilot. You may hit an occasional pot hole here or there but for the most part no real danger exist. You don’t really need God on these roads so you feel secure in your own abilities. When you do come upon a side road/journey the people around you might tell you things like “you can’t go down that road alone it’s not safe.” The girl’s voice in my dream could have represented people or she could have been the voice in my own head that says I won’t make it. I think it was also interesting that it was a girl’s voice. What I mean is it was not the sound of a mature woman. At some point we need to stop having an adolescent relationship with the Lord, driving the safe roads others have traveled and grow up, pave out your own trail.
When we have everything in control we don’t need God, we don’t give Him an opportunity to show how majestic He is. I’m not saying you shouldn’t use good judgment or disregard wise counsel but I gotta tell you unless someone has done the giant leap of faith at some point in their life where is their reference point coming from? Are they using a 12 step program or have they experienced the true miracles of our living God.
Even if you take a road that ends up being a dead end and you have to turn around remember there is no detour or end of the road that will keep God’s plan from happening in your life.
Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
There are dirt roads waiting to be explored by you and the Lord and chances are you might get stuck but the beauty is If the Lord delights in a man’s way He makes his steps firm, though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. Psalm 37:23-24
In the dream I got out of the truck and pulled it out of the sand with my own hands. Of course it wasn’t my strength that pulled out the truck it was God’s working through me. I had to give Him an opportunity to show me His strength.
To sum up the dream the Holy Spirit said to me “You don’t know if you can get out of something till you get in.” What a great quote, feel free to use it I’m sure He won’t mind.
So gems I’m hear to once again challenge you to go down one of those unpaved roads the Lord shows you.
Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.
If you want to get stronger sometimes you have to take the road less travelled.
My advice, Jesus take the wheel, let’s go four wheelin!

Gena’s Jewels

1 comment:

  1. Gena, I don't have many words... but this spoke to me, thank you for your jewels! I love you!
