Monday, August 10, 2009

Wind Beneath My Wings

I was reading Matthew 14 from the New International Version Bible. It’s a familiar story for most of you but for those who are not familiar here’s the Gena version. Jesus had just finished feeding thousands of people with 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread. You think that would be enough of a miracle but He tops that. They are all getting ready to leave and go to the other side of the lake. Jesus sends His disciples ahead of Him in their boat; the Bible doesn’t mention anyone asking how He will catch up to them. The disciples are quite a ways out and a storm flares up. If you have ever been on a boat you know storms can come up out of no where and if you’re not a regular boat person like myself it can be quite scary. The disciples are freaking out so it must have been a pretty big storm and all of a sudden they see Jesus walking on the water towards them. The Bible says they saw Jesus and were terrified, they thought it was a ghost. Jesus assures them it’s Him and Peter says “if it really is you, tell me to come to you and I will.” Jesus tells him “come on” and Peter gets out of the boat and is walking on the water too. The story goes on to say that Peter took his eyes off Jesus and started to sink. Peter yells out “Lord save me” which of course Jesus did immediately and then He says to Peter “you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Now most times when you hear about this story there are two major points brought up. The first one is, there were 12 guys on the boat why did Jesus give Peter grief about his faith? At least Peter got out of the boat the rest of the disciples didn’t even do that.
The other point that is often talked about is the fact that Peter didn’t start to sink until he took his eyes off Jesus. These are both really good points but the thing that really hit me was in verse 30 “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, Lord, save me!”
This particular translation says he SAW the wind. Why do you think it says, saw? We can feel the wind or see things blowing around from the wind but we don’t see the wind.
A while ago I went with some friends to see a ship that was docked out in the water. I am not a boat person so in my mind I thought I would just be walking down a dock and onto the ship. Not the case… All four of us had to get in a blow up raft and motor out to the ship. The water was choppy and the wind was blowing and I gotta tell you it was God Himself that got me in that boat. When I tell people about this experience I never say “I saw the wind.”
This of course got me thinking and I came to the conclusion it wasn’t an accident it was written this way. When you decide to take a step in faith the following things may happen. First you know what God is asking you to do. He may have asked others too, but like the other disciples in the boat they may not be ready for the challenge, so you may have to go alone. Next you know you see Jesus in it and you are secure with the fact that He will catch you should you begin to sink. But what is it that actually makes you take your eyes off Jesus and start to sink? What do you see in the wind? What caused the doubt or fear?
Could it be people not understanding your walk and suggesting you may need a therapist :)? Is it your fear of the unknown? Are you afraid to fail? Could it be you start putting faith in your abilities and not God’s?
Like many of you I am seeking employment. Every company wants a copy of your resume so they can decide if you’re qualified for the job. If not you get one of those thanks but no thanks letters. The beauty of a Jesus job is the only qualification you need is to get out of the boat. God will always equip you with the rest.
I don’t know what you see when you look at the wind but I want to encourage you today, you’re not the only one who sees it. Seeing the “wind” is not the problem, it’s seeing only the wind that will cause you to stay put.
What did I see in the wind that day? My fear of deep water, fear of sharks, fear of not being a good swimmer, If I would have let fear control me I would have missed an awesome experience on the ship that day.
Don’t be afraid to see the wind, let it blow you on whatever course the Lord has for you. Even if you get off track the Lord will put you back on course. I don’t want to hear the Lord say to me “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” and I know you don’t either. Jesus truly is “The wind beneath your wings!” and He will immediately reach out His hand and catch you when you need Him.

Gena’s Jewels

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Gena, for sharing your insight. I want to be like you when I grow up. :)
